Do you have a best friend ?
Who is he/she ?
He/she is a real best friend ?
In our life friends are so important , and to all friends that we have we're always looking for the only one that can be our the best friend ,
best friend is what everyonone want to has . I’m so proud that i have i want to share to all of you what kind of best friend that i have , i do this for a thank you to him for everything he done for me , and to show how much i love him .. <3
My best friend name is khevin Gonzales , he was born on june 27 1993 , he’s 17 years old now . he’s a gay also have a small eye , a cute lips and a very pointed nose . he so slim , has a very long nails on him hand and he favorite to put a colourful nail polish to that haha ! the color of skin that he has is a very fair ( KAYUMANGGI ) .
we're classmate since when we're on elementary until on our 3rd year high school .. i can't with him when i was on 4th year because he stoped him studying. And now he's currently running for one of those SK KAGAWAD on our Barangay Tangos.
we're classmate since when we're on elementary until on our 3rd year high school .. i can't with him when i was on 4th year because he stoped him studying. And now he's currently running for one of those SK KAGAWAD on our Barangay Tangos.
He's very jealousing person ‘ even in a simple things hehe ^^ when the time comes that he can’t talk with me and i was surprised that he avoiding me , i already knew that he angry or jealous , i was thinking if why ? even i don’t have any bad things that i did to him .. hmm ‘ but i was wrong , because it’s not him attitude that can be angry ? for a no reason .hihi that’s why i knew that i did wrong ‘ even not to him but to the others . because he’s very corcerned to me if he said he wants that i'l follow it haha , like he always said , eat your food ‘ if i answered maybe later , he always made me afraid if i’m not followed what he said . haha . he said that ‘ KUKUTUSAN KITA ! hahaha him expression to me :D .
he also sweet like the others ‘. if one of us has a money we’re go outside to bought a food and eat together , sometimes he shy to me he doesn’t wants to accept what i gave . hmp ! on that situation i got to hate him because i think it’s unfair ! all he gave is i accepted immediately ..i want that he also did too what i did !
We’re always be together every night in our hang out , sometimes our other friends got jealoused to us because they said we’re like a brothers hahaha .. we called each other as BESY ..often we go to our house in a late time, we cook a food and talking for those happenings , i’m so very open to him because i trusted him as my best friend if i have a secret i totally shared it to him . but he is not like me , he always keep him secret for himself he doesn’t wants to share it to anyone , if he had him problem he always said i can it ! he doesn’t wants to share it specially to me because he doesn’t want that i thinking him own problem .. because of that sometimes we've had a miss understanding , i said we’re best friend right ? so we have a responsible to help each other , so if that simple thing you can’t shared to me ? for what reason’s we’re best friend ? huhuhu .. so sad , but after that he realized what i’m said about .
he also sweet like the others ‘. if one of us has a money we’re go outside to bought a food and eat together , sometimes he shy to me he doesn’t wants to accept what i gave . hmp ! on that situation i got to hate him because i think it’s unfair ! all he gave is i accepted immediately ..i want that he also did too what i did !
I’l never forgot when he was on my side to sleep with me on my room we talked about many things of course our Lovelife ahihhi :”> he was talked and talked while he cares that i’m already slept hahaha .. after few hours we woke up cause i need to go school to attend my class and he acts like a mother that caring on her son ( so weet ) in that time he cooked some foods for my breakfast , got my uniform to iron it ,. while i’m taking a bath on the comport room he never stop to fixed all i needs , he always did it everytime he was sleeping on our home ..
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besy thank you so much
i Love you like the
way you love me <3 !!
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